Dashuria Vjen Nga Stomaku


6 Frutat me te ushqyeshme per femijet

Të pasura me vitamina, fibra, lëndë ushqyese, frutat nuk duhet të mungojnë në regjimin ushqimor të gjithësecilit prej nesh, por të fëmijëve në veçanti. Të gjitha frutat janë të mira, por disa prej tyre janë të pazëvendësueshme! Më poshtë do të lexoni të plotë listën e frutave që çdo fëmijë duhet t’i hajë.

Frutat me te rendesishme per femijet:

Pjepri, 19kalori ne 100gr

I pasur ne elektrolite dhe vitamine C, plot me beta karroten dhe uje, ky eshte pjepri. Sa me e erret ngjyra e tij, aq me i ushqyeshem eshte ai. Vajzat qe hyjne ne moshen e pubertedit mund ta preferojne pjeprin per shendetin e lekures se tyre. Permbajtja e larte ne uje e pjeprit, i ruan femijet nga dehidratimi.

Boronicat, 57kalori ne 100gr

Thesar i ushqimit, boronicat (vecanerisht ato te egrat), jane nder armet me te fuqishme kunder stresit, infeksioneve, shperqendrimit dhe agjenteve kanceroz. Me nje nga antioksiduesit me te fuqishem, ato zene vend ne majen e listes se ushqimeve me force antioksiduese. Ngjyra blu e tyre eshte pergjegjese per forcimin e memories dhe shendetit te trurit, sidomos per femije qe mesojne fort. Boronicat mbeshtesin shqisen e shikimit gjithashtu. Konsumi i ketij fruti ne vegjeli, perben ngritjen e themeleve shume te forta ne parandalimin e semundjeve kardiovaskulare dhe kancerogjene ne moshe te rritur.

Portokalli, 37kalori ne 100gr

Ky frut eshte burimi kryesor i vitamins C, nje lende ushqyese qe perfshihet ne pothuaj gjithcka – nga mbyllja dhe sherimi i plageve, qetesimi i alergjive, parandalimi i semundjeve kardiovaskulare dhe kanceroze, si dhe shmangja e artritit dhe anemise si pasoje e mungeses se hekurit. Portokalli, eshte burim shume i rendesishem edhe i acidit folik, nje vitamine qe luan rol kyc ne formimin e AND-se sone dhe rruazave te kuqe. Portokallet ndihmojne shume femijet qe kane infeksione te mushkrive dhe azem.

Luleshtrydhet, 27kalori ne 100gr

Keto fruta te mrekullueshme me ngjyre te kuqe forcojne zemren, ulin rrezikun e kancerit, permiresojne shikimin, parandalojne alergjite, dhe qetesojne dhimbjet. Luleshtrydhet jane plot me fibra dhe vitamine C. Ky frut eshte gjithashtu i shkelqyer per femije qe mesojne dhe jane para testeve apo provimeve, pasi forcon shume memorien e ngjarjeve te fundit. Nje nder atributet me interesante te luleshtrydheve, eshte edhe mbrojtja kunder helikobakterit – nje mikrob qe shkakton ulcer ne stomak dhe predispozon per zhvillim kancerogjen te tij.
Kujdes: Mos blini luleshtrydhe jashte sezonit apo nese nuk jeni te sigurt qe nuk jane sperkatur me pesticide, pasi jane nder ushqimet me perthithshmeri shume te larte te tyre.

Kajsite e thata, 158kalori ne 100gr

Kajsite e thata permbajne kalium, hekur, kalcium dhe beta karroten. Per femijet qe nuk konsumojne shume ushqim, ky frut i thare eshte burim lendesh ushqyese me dendesi te madhe ne volum te vogel. Nese femijet kane ngerce te shpeshta, merren me aktivitet fizik intensiv dhe jane ne periudhe rritjeje te shpejte, kajsite e thata jane nje zgedhje ideale.

Kivi, 49kalori ne 100gr

Ky frut ben pjese ne familjen e manaferrave dhe farat e tij jane nga me te ushqyeshmet. Sipas nje konstatimi te Kolegjit Amerikan te Ushqimit, kivi renditet ne 27 frutat me te shendetshem per femijet, duke qendruar mbi mollet, bananet dhe pjeshket. 1 kivi ne dite, mund te korrigjoje nje demtim te nje sekuence te AND-se, e cila percjell informacionin gjenetik, nje demtim i cili mund te kete pasoja fatale. Femijet qe konsumojne kivi shpesh, vuajne shume me pak nga veshtiresia ne frymemarrje, kolla e nates dhe rrufa. Pra, shprehja "nje molle ne dite, doktorin e mban larg" sot eshte bere "nje kivi ne dite, doktorin e mban larg". Blerina Bombaj

English Version

Rich in vitamins, fiber, nutrients, fruits should not be lacking in the diet regime of every one of us, but of children in particular. All fruits are good, but some of them are irreplaceable! Below you will read the complete list of fruits that each child needs to eat. Most Important Fruits for Kids: Melons, 19 calories, not 100gr Rich in electrolytes and vitamin C, full of beta carrots and water, this is melon. The darker his color, the more nutritious he is. Girls entering the age of puberty may prefer mildew to their skin health. The high content of melon water keeps children from dehydration. Apricot, 57 calories per 100gr Food treasures, blueberries (especially wild ones), are among the most powerful weapons against stress, infections, stress, and cancerous agents. With one of the most powerful antioxidants, they are packed in the top of the list of antioxidant foods. Their blue color is responsible for strengthening memory and brain health, especially for children who are taught hard. Blueberries support the look of the eyes as well. The consumption of this fruit in the plant, constitutes the establishment of very strong foundations in the prevention of cardiovascular and carcinogenic diseases in adult age. Orange, 37 calories per 100gr This fruit is the main source of vitamin C, a nutrient that is involved in almost everything - from wound closure and healing, allergies, prevention of cardiovascular and cancerous diseases, as well as avoidance of arthritis and anemia due to iron deficiency. Orange is a very important source of folic acid, a vitamin that plays a key role in the formation of our AND and red beads. Oranges help many children with lung and azem infection.

Strawberries, 27 calories per 100gr These wonderful red fruits strengthen the heart, lower the risk of cancer, improve eyesight, prevent allergies, and relieve pain. Strawberries are full of fiber and vitamin C. This fruit is also great for children who are learning and are ahead of tests or exams, as it strengthens the memory of recent events. One of the most interesting attributes of strawberries is the protection against helikobacteria - a microbe that causes stomach ulcer and predisposes to its carcinogenic development. Warning: Do not buy strawberries outside the season or if you are not sure that they have not been spackled with pesticides, as they are the foods with a high degree of absorption. Dry cake, 158 calories in 100gr Dry clay contains potassium, iron, calcium and beta carrots. For children who do not consume a lot of food, this dried fruit is a nutrient source of high density in small volumes. If children have frequent strokes, deal with intense physical activity and are in a fast growing period, dry kajsite are an ideal reminder. Kiwi, 49 calories and 100gr This fruit is part of the blackberry family and its seeds are the most nutritious. According to a statement by the American Food College, kiwi is ranked the 27 best fruit for children, standing on apples, bananas and peaches. 1 kiwi per day can correct a damage to an AND sequence that transpires genetic information, a disruption that may have fatal consequences. Children who consume kiwi often suffer less from the difficulty breathing, the cough and the thunder. So, the phrase "an apple in the day, the doctor keeps away" today is made "a kiwi a day, the doctor keeps it away". Blerina Bombaj

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